Tuesday, July 15, 2008

STILL MORE STUPID AMERICANS (I really don't hate my country, just morons like these - people in concession line at movie theaters)

So tonight i went to see "Batman:The Dark Knight" in IMAX at Universal Studios Citywalk in an advance critics' screening. It's a cool place to see it and we're 4 days early, which is pretty badass.

But then i get there and after navigating a line that's a mile long, i finally have a secure place in line and feel I can run for snacks. So I run, which for me is a feat. (See my photos section if you have questions about that.)

But once I get in line, there's like two teenagers running the stand for about 20 customers, who are all hoping to hustle and make their movie in time. So we're talking SLOOOOOOW service. But it's moving. Until the two Latino guys in front of me step up to order.

Normally, I post color-blindly, not drawing attention to someone's race. But in this case, you'll see my point.

These guys start stammering through their order. It's a given in Southern California that at least one side of any exchange in a customer service line will not be in English - either the customer or the employee, or when you're REALLY in a hurry and trapped behind them, BOTH, will not speak the language of the country they're LIVING in. And yes, I CAN talk smack and pass judgment because my dad came here from Poland, where the language is really different from English rather than sharing half the words or barely changing the spelling, and HE took the time to learn the language out of respect for the system that he CHOSE to move to.

So as they look at the menu screen as if they've never been to a movie theater in their life (again, this kind of crap only happens when you're about to be late for the hottest movie of the year). Not to mention they had ten minutes in line behind the morons in front of THEM to decide what they wanted. But nope, they're consulting each other now before asking the clueless cashier if Coke is available there as a drink.

Ya think?!? I wonder if Coke is in a movie theater. Hmmmm.

So just as they're about to get it over with, BAM! Here comes either their buddy or cousin or friend, another guy who can't speak the language despite being here long enough in this country to have spawned the apparent 8 and 10 year old kids that are with him.

And whadaya know? They invoke the Unspoken Family Rule of Linecutting: If you've got a family member in a line - the bigger the better, of course, because the whole POINT is to piss off as many people as you can, right? - then BY ALL MEANS step right up and join them the SECOND they manage to be at the front of the line. Skip the wait of the people behind you, and make sure you order as much as possible for every last little rugrat in your family.

Ah, yes, another scintillating five minutes go by as I fantasize about the fact that I'LL be fast and set a new trend in motion. But while i just want a large popcorn and a Coke/Hi-C fruit punch suicide combo drink, i have to hear these pinheads discuss "How you say?...." "You know, this....ah, yes, size of drink." Please save the English language discussion for a CLASS that will ultimately answer all your questions faster any way.

Now that she's got your order, wait, she's gotta now hear your kids change their minds five different ways. "Red slushie!" "No, blue slushie!" "Large!" "No, small!" And the poor girl behind the counter is totaling them up, switching them around and....

Well, that's the point I think "Why am i about to spend $6.75 more for a bag of popcorn that really took 12 cents to produce?" and storm off back to my place in line JUST in time to get in the theater.

Oh well. I'm on a diet anyway.

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